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RADvolution Designer 2007v2 Professional Edition 2007v2

RADvolution Designer 2007v2 Professional Edition 2007v2

RADvolution Designer 2007v2 Professional Edition Publisher's Description

Rapidly build applications without coding and with a high level of maintainability. Includes a unique layout solution, Quick Design, Menu & Toolbar management, Control State Designer, RadioButtonGroupBox, LookupButtons and more ... RAD components which save lots of time. Suitable for professional development, interactive sessions and prototyping.

Layout engine 
Reduce layout time by 76%. Dropping and moving controls on a RADvolution Form immediately results in a consistent and professional layout. Layout modifications are ready within a second.
Includes powerful application wide actions (e.g. auto set tab order for all Forms at once).

Quick design 
Provides a shortcut in adding multiple controls at once. Auto applies your preferred naming convention. With accelerator check, required entry and expression validation.
Includes fully customizable professional feedback messages (with auto prompt management).

Control State Designer
Easily auto enable and hide controls according to specific conditions.
Without coding and with a minimum effort using invert actions and semantic groups.

Lookup buttons

Extra convenience is provided by common (nullable) lookup buttons (like file, folder, ...).

Auto loads/saves one value for a set of mutually exclusive RadioButtons.

Menu & ToolBar management

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